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Text File | 1993-12-11 | 13.4 KB | 235 lines | [TEXT/MSWD] |
- Item 1323089 7-Dec-92 09:22PST
- From: UG0099 New York MUG,UG
- To: UG$ User Groups
- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- Sub: Kai’s Power Tools Article
- Kai’s Power Tools
- by Marc Silverman
- A set of 33 new filters has just been released for use with Adobe Photoshop.
- Wait...strike that. What I meant to say was more like: “Whoa! I can’t BELIEVE
- the coolest thing I ever saw for Digital Imaging only costs 99 bucks, will turn
- casual Photoshoppers into Mega-Power users INSTANTLY, and will turn Photoshop
- regulars into maniacal, sleepless, fingers-melded-into-their-keyboards, never
- eat or breathe again, non-stop image factories in a matter of hours!”
- A little too strong? Nope.
- Kai Krause has been a regular participant in the Photoshop Imaging area of
- America Online, contributing his knowledge and opinions on many imaging topics
- for about a year now. His long time involvement in computers, programming,
- music, and art is described in a biographical piece posted online, and his
- specific knowledge of the concepts used to conceive and create these unique
- filters goes way back, starting with his association with the music profession
- in the early seventies in Germany.
- He bought his first computer around that time, an 8K Compucolor, and wrote a
- BASIC program that night which rendered, as he puts it, “Recursive loops
- drawing 3-D distorted space curves which were chaotic in appearance.” Kai began
- a long and rewarding involvement with the artist/designer Roger Dean soon
- after. “It was then, in the middle of that early design phase, that I sent out
- a letter to Roger, really just as a lark. At the time I considered writing a
- new version of my Paint program, in color with airbrushes etc., and figured
- that he would be the ultimate Beta user for it. I had no idea if he was into
- computers or not, or what he was up to, or if that address was at all valid. So
- I wrote about some of this and that, and took the old Yes logo and vectorized
- it into Perspective and drew an infinite plane tiled with logos, something you
- can’t do on a canvas no matter how patient you are. Just to illustrate the
- point about new kinds of tools, complementing traditional ones. Roger loves
- Fractals, Julia sets, etc. Some of the textures in Yes logos were fractal
- based. He sent back a telegram with three words: Yes, Send More. And I did.”
- Kai has posted a number of his recent album covers and other images on Ameri
- Online, including new CD covers for the groups and performers Yes, Steve Howe,
- Don Henley, and others. But it is his position of “Knowledge Meister” on AOL
- that makes his participation there so significant to all of us who log on. Kai
- mentions a very obscure film entitled “La Vallee, The Valley Obscured by
- Clouds” with music by Pink Floyd. There is a phrase in it, “There is no way
- back from knowledge,” that Kai has taken to heart. He has regularly posted
- three- to fifteen-page guides complete with instructions, descriptions, tables,
- pictures, and screen shots for Photoshop tips that go far beyond those that can
- be found in any of the current books or manuals. He has uploaded 21 of these
- extensive handbooks (entitled “KPT’s - Kai’s Photoshop Tips”) with catchy
- titles like: All’s Well that Blends Well; Colorization...And Hue and Eye;
- Algorithmic Textures...From Noise to Nice; along with “One Minute Quickies”
- such as: Instant Brushed Aluminum Textures; Have a Ball...Instant Spheres; The
- Top Ten List of Often Overlooked Basics; Polarizing; Instant Spirals; and many
- more. And he’s offered them to us with only the hope that we’ll be able to use
- the tips, learn from them, and become better at what we do. “There are no such
- things as secrets in Photoshop” he has said in a message to someone who asked
- about his method for creating a particular effect but was worried that his
- request for the artist’s information might be too blunt. Kai’s is the attitude
- of a true master, share the “tools” and let the creativity rise to its own
- level.
- Kai Krause upholds his views and shares his tools with those who have become
- electronic friends, compatriots and colleagues. Along with Ben Weiss, the hot
- shot programmer for “Kai’s Power Tools,” Kai and his newest “tool set” push the
- boundaries of imaging possibilities significantly forward. The impressive
- selection of new filters contained in this set are: four Smudge filters with
- options for Dark or Light, and Left or Right Smudging; three unique “Polished
- Glass Lens” distortion filters to create spheres; three levels of pixel
- diffractors called PixelBreeze, PixelWind, and PixelStorm; a series of Noise
- filters including Maximum, Medium, and Minimum levels of Hue Protected Noise
- (noise is added but the underlying colors are not changed); Special Red, Blue,
- and Green Noise filters; a Grime Layer filter which adds grey noise to an
- image; an intriguing 3-D Stereo Noise filter which creates what are known as
- Single Image Random Dot Stereograms which can be seen in full 3-D with the
- unaided eyes (you need two in the same head though) without any special
- glasses; a number of regular and compound Stylizing filters: Scatter
- Horizontal; Diffuse More; Sharpen Intensify; Find Edges Soft; Find Edges
- Charcoal; Find Edges Invert; and an interesting color cycling filter for video
- use called the Cyclone Filter. There’s plenty here to meet anyone’s needs.
- But wait... The list is not even nearly over! There is an collection of seve
- filters named “Designers” and “Explorers” which allow a user to operate a
- workshop “instrument panel” to permit intensive probing into corners of
- mathematical plausibilities never before possible in a digital imaging program.
- The Mandelbrot Set Explorer and Julia Set Explorers can be used to create
- elaborate, seemingly unbounded Fractal images; The Gradient Designer and
- Gradients Path Designer allow the creation of incomparable specialized blends
- unlike any I’ve encountered for an application like Photoshop; and a Texture
- Explorer can generate remarkable texture maps effortlessly. Each of these seven
- “hubbed” filters will afford the user the means to create effects never before
- imagined for use in Photoshop images, and as an extra bonus, there are hundreds
- and hundreds of saved settings already included and spread throughout these
- special filters. Kai’s unusual talent with descriptions really shows here, most
- of his names for the pre-wired Gradients he’s created are a bit whimsical, but
- as soon as the results appear, the humor and visual jest becomes obvious.
- Avocadoid Universe, Utterly Shattered Shutters, and Think Zinc can only hint at
- the full impact of the included settings and their final appearance in an
- image.
- The algorithms used to create the sweeping gradients are unbelievably smooth
- yet totally sharp at the centers, and due to elegant programming work faster in
- most cases than others in related applications. Keep in mind though, that there
- is serious mathematical processing going on for many of these effects, and even
- moderate resolution images will be better served on faster processors or
- accelerators. As most Photoshoppers know, when talking about speed, “Too much
- is never enough...” Although most of the filters are intended strictly for
- color (24-bit color depth is essentially de rigueur) some of the basic ones do
- work in gray scale.
- The best way to proceed at this point would be to just sit down with you at
- Mac, run through a couple of dozen of images which were created using the KPTs,
- let you try a few of the filters on your own, and then tell you where to send
- your check to buy them. Since I can’t exactly do that via the written word,
- I’ve included a few images here, all of which relied on “Kai’s Power Tools”
- filters for their inspiration and execution. I cannot recommend more strongly
- this fascinating addition to Adobe Photoshop, and at the actual price of $3 per
- filter, there needs to be no more compelling a reason to suggest that you get
- these filters than to simply say, “You just gotta have ’em. Period.”
- Kai’s Power Tools are available for $149 from HSC Software, 1661 Lincoln
- Boulevard #101, Santa Monica, CA 90404. Telephone: 310-392-8441, Fax:
- 310-392-6015. A special introductory price of $99 will be in effect until
- January 21st, 1993.
- About the Author: Marc Silverman is a Manhattan-based Digital Artist who uses
- the Macintosh computer and related technologies to originate and execute client
- projects, artistic work for exhibition, and outside freelance
- commissions-for-hire. Marc maintains the creative enterprise, “Digital Photo
- Works” to develop concepts and create imagery for Ad Agencies, Corporations,
- Individual Clients, and for Public Exhibition. His work includes: Digital Photo
- Imaging – Creating and manipulating digitally produced or digitally translated
- images for special effects in print ads and for other specialized marketing
- purposes; Typography and Layout – Preparing print ads, Imaged Slide
- Presentations, Catalogs, and Roughs; Graphic Art – Creating Maps, Charts,
- Tables, Flow charts, and the like; and Restoration and Reprinting of aged
- family and corporate photographs using the digital photographic technologies
- now available. Marc can also be contacted for Individual or Group training in
- Adobe Photoshop or Quark XPress. Telephone: 212-595-5464.
- -------------------------
- Author’s Note: Entire Article and Original Images © 1992 / Marc S. Silverman.
- Permission is granted to publish this article in your user group newsletter, or
- post on your user group electronic BBS. Please send a copy of any newsletter in
- which this is published to:
- Marc Silverman
- 62 West 70th Street #2A
- New York, NY 10023
- If possible, please include: Originally published in the Mac Street Journal,
- the newsletter of the New York MacUsers’ Group, Inc.
- There are 11 Full Color Photoshop Images (described below) and one Black &
- White Author’s Headshot available to you for use with this article. Please
- contact me and leave complete mailing information and I will arrange to send
- the two image diskettes to you by mail.
- Marc Silverman
- Telephone: 212-595-5464
- America Online: SilverMarc
- Applelink: UG0099
- Internet: silvermarc@aol.com
- Picture Captions
- Kai’s Power Tools Cover: The front cover image of Kai’s Power Tools is an image
- by Kai Krause of Ian, his son. Kai has used every single one of the
- thirty-three filters in his set to create this image from the original
- photograph (also visible).
- Gradient Designer Panel: If you get tired of exploring the 200 or so Gradients
- that are already included with this filter, you could always create some of
- your own. A gradient creates a color blend/fade, but not just a simple sweep
- from one to another – the algorithms on which these are based can create
- extremely complicated and elegant gradients. The green ring being prepared here
- is one of the more basic examples included.
- Julia Set II Explorer Panel: There are three different Julia Set Explorer
- filters included, each offering a slightly different range of values for the
- real and imaginary fractal planes, and other numerical entries. In all of the
- Filter Panels, the checkerboards represent the area of the original image or
- selection which will be unaffected or only partially affected by the particular
- filter in use.
- Path Gradient Panel: Allows you to create a smooth gradient along a selection
- path. The possibilities for color choices, widths, and even gradient shapes are
- virtually limitless. An example of this effect can be seen in the green fibrous
- tubes on the right side of the Power Tools cover image.
- Texture Explorer Panel: One of the most useful filters ever created for Adobe
- Photoshop, the Texture Explorer allows the creation and manipulation of texture
- maps for use in images. Choosing a point on the tree-like scale at the left
- allows for a variance in the level of textural intensity, and choosing the
- floating rainbow sphere allows for a variation of range of colors. All of the
- Explorer Filters allow the user to save individual settings permanently. The
- filter panels also contain an “Expert” mode (the Einstein button) for more
- intensive uses. The Expert modes are available via a special code from HSC
- Software, allowing for a greater range of explorative possibilities.
- “Earth in Peril” CD Cover: This mock cover for a CD was created for a Don
- Henley benefit concert. Kai used the Polished Glass Lens filters along with the
- Mandelbrot Explorer to produce this image. Image by Kai Krause.
- Persephone in the Underworld: This image was created by Marc Silverman using
- some of the KPT Blur filters for the foreground figure, and the Gradient
- Designer to produce the background fractal effects. The “barbed wire” borders
- were created with the Smudge Lighten filter. Image by Marc Silverman.
- Gaia Dreaming: The Stars in the galaxy background were produced using the Julia
- Explorer III, the spherical midground was the Polished Glass Lens filter with
- the stylistic colors created from the Blackbody Color Tables in Photoshop, and
- the eerie effects on the floating figure were produced with the Blur Filters.
- Image by Marc Silverman.
- Blue Fractal Swirls: One of the more striking settings I came across during my
- experimentations with the Mandelbrot Explorer. Image by Marc Silverman.
- Julia Fractals: One of the Fractal images produced using the Julia Explorer I
- filter. Image by Marc Silverman.
- Glass Lens Filter: An example of the possibilities which can be generated using
- the Polished Glass Lens filter. This sample image as you see it here was
- created in three minutes. Image by Marc Silverman.